Failed Your ADIT Exam? Here's What You Need to Know About Re-marks, Feedback, and Resitting

Aug 24 / Catriona Loughran
If you've just missed out on passing your ADIT (Advanced Diploma in International Taxation) exam, you're probably wondering about your options. Can you get your exam re-marked? What feedback can you receive? And what should you consider before resitting?

This blog post will address these common concerns and provide guidance for ADIT students who didn't quite make the grade this time.

Can I Get My ADIT Exam Re-marked?

Unfortunately, the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) doesn't offer re-marks for ADIT exams. There are two options you can consider:

1. Recheck of Marks (£35 fee)
This isn't a re-mark, but a verification that all procedures were followed correctly. The CIOT will ensure all questions were marked and totalled accurately.

You can only apply for this option if:
(1) Your mark was between 44% and 47%, and
(2) Your script was not already moderated.

If you scored 48% or 49%, your paper has already been looked at closely before the results were released.

2. Breakdown of Marks (£15 fee)
This provides a breakdown of your marks per question (but not sub-questions). It can be helpful if you're unsure where you went wrong, giving you insight into your weaker areas.

Getting Feedback on Your ADIT Exam Results

While direct feedback isn't provided, there are ways to gain insights into your performance:
  • Review the exam questions and compare them with the suggested solutions when released.
  • Reflect on your exam experience. Did you manage your time effectively? Did you fully address each question's requirements?
  • Consider your exam preparation. Did you practice applying your knowledge by attempting past paper questions under exam conditions?

An experienced ADIT tutor can support you in reviewing and improving your performance.

Resitting Your ADIT Exam: What to Consider

If you're planning to resit your ADIT exam, keep these points in mind:
  • Don't be disheartened. ADIT is a challenging qualification, which is reflected in the pass rates.
  • Take time to reflect on your performance and plan your study strategy for the resit.
  • Be realistic about your study time if you're considering taking another paper alongside your resit. It might be more effective to focus solely on the resit.

Remember, failing an ADIT exam is a setback, not the end of your journey. Many students have bounced back from disappointment to ace their exams. With the right approach and preparation, you can turn this experience into a stepping stone towards success in your ADIT qualification.

If you need further guidance on your ADIT journey or want to discuss your options, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to support you every step of the way.
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